My groomer shaved my coton
by Donald Stout
(Ann Arbor, Michigan)
The groomer called and said my cotons hair had several mats close to the skin and was afraid of hurting him, and that he had to be Shaved. OMG I feel so badly, how long will it take to grow back. He is 7 months old and just got neutered a few weeks ago. He was fine a month ago at groomer. He did have a cone on for a week, and does wear a non pull harness always, with a sweater as we live in Michigan, as well as being out in the snow. It’s all my fault for not brushing enough. When will my babies hair grow back? I did not know
you needed a brush and a comb. He was very hard to brush after sweater. HELP.
Coton de Tulear Grooming Trauma
by Iris
(Bristol, CT USA)
I would be very interested to know if other Coton de Tulear owners dogs have experienced trauma and bizarre behaviors after being left at the groomers.
We are having bad luck finding a compassionate groomer. My Tuffy went to yet another groomer yesterday. This one was recommended by the Vet's office, and turned out to be the worst experience for Tuffy.
He was badly matted from repeatedly getting wet in the snow, and I had been combing, brushing and cutting out chunks of matted hair all winter. The mats got so bad, I could not keep up with it. I left extensive information for the groomer, all the do's and don't, and even so, my dog was a nervous wreck when I picked him up.
His legs and feet were shaved, his body maybe 1/2 inch of hair left on it. I asked that they at least leave his head and tail alone, but they still thinned and trimmed that hair, and I specified NOT to express the anal gland, but his behind is so sore he is dragging, turning, and showing distress toward that area. He seems to be afraid to go poop.
He is itching and scratching all over so bad and shaking, and he was so fearful he even hid in his crate when we got home, (I can never get him to stay in the crate) I had to give him half a benedryl for the itching, but it did not help at all. He would not eat or play, and just stands outside and stares when I take him out to go potty.
Tuffy always sleeps at my feet, but when I woke up this morning I could not find him at all. Then when I went back to bed I saw a bit of white hair, He was curled up asleep under my pillow!
When I take him outside, he shakes and trembles and seems to be looking to get away. I feel so sad for him. and feel I cannot trust any groomers that I am going to buy a grooming set and learn how to do this myself. I never want my dog to suffer this disgrace and abuse again.
Tuffy is such a good boy, fun and loving, I hate to see him so miserable. I cannot bear to show you what he looks like right now.
I would appreciate your responses.

Can I shave my Coton de Tulear?
by Esterh
(Jacksonville, FL)
I want to shave my Coton to get him to grow fresh and beautiful fur. Right now he has some knots and it will be hard to brush.If I shave him will the hair grow the way it is? I am not sure if it won't grow properly and he won't look like a Coton anymore.
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