My sweet little Zoe

by Virginia
(Rome, GA)

I have a health question for the group. My Zoe is 1 & 1/2 years old. We moved to a new town in the fall and I took her to a new vet for her shots. The vet wanted to do blood work which I allowed. The blood work came back and Zoe's ALT numbers were higher than normal. We waited 3 weeks and tested again.....still high. I took her back to our previous vet on 12/516 and had more blood work and the numbers were coming down, but still in the high range, I took her back today and the numbers were really high again. They sent some blood work off and I will get results on Monday. The vet is talking about a shunt from her liver (or something like that). Yikes! Has anyone else had problems like this? She is happy, eats, drinks, and loves to play. Please advise...

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Jan 11, 2017
sweet Zoe NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, Just going thru old E's and deleting and wondering how Zoe is doing??? Hope numbers have stayed down. Wishing you a healthy new year.

Jan 10, 2017
Blood work NEW
by: Keevas mom

I am also curious why blood work was done in the first place! Our dog is 5 years old and has only gone to the vet for a yearly exam ( no blood draws) and yearly vaccinations. Did the vet have a concern? Wishing you the best!

Jan 02, 2017
blood work NEW
by: Lulu & Socrates

I have done the blood work for both of my little ones.
Annual check up and pre-surgery blood work. For a puppy, the blood work showed some numbers were not inside of limits, but the doctor told us, they were okay for a puppy.

For annual check up ( blood work was a part of it) for the other one (at 16 month old), everything was inside of the limits.

I think that you should check inside of the house and the yards for toxic material such as chemical and plants. Also you should check the level is coming down regularly.

Good Luck,

Dec 30, 2016
Cute Coton! NEW
by: Michele

I have a Coton, too, but haven't done any blood tests yet. I'd say if your Coton seems happy and healthy, I wouldn't do any procedures... Wondering if stress from the move could affect blood test results... I'm thinking maybe give her some time to adjust to her new home but if she's showing signs of illness, maybe test again later on... Hope she is well... and lives a long and happy life!

Dec 30, 2016
by: sherry cotton candie

I have no experience with anything like that--did he offer any reason the numbers would be high?? Have you checked out anything on the internet about liver?? I would bombard him with questions before allowing any shunt or anything done--are you comfortable yet with new vet or maybe ask old vet things.

I can imagine how scary this must be. Zoe is adorable and sure hope problem can be found and treated without surgery. They are such precious little babies.

Please keep us posted and wishing you and Zoe some quick answers and better numbers next time. She is very young to have liver problems-have you contacted the breeder? They may have some knowledge or experience with this. Good Luck to you and Zoe.

Dec 30, 2016
P.S. Zoe NEW
by: Iris

Meanwhile, It would not hurt to cut out any extra processed treats you may be giving her since they may be to difficult for her digestion , and the liver has to process what's in the blood.

Dec 30, 2016
Zoe blood tests NEW
by: Iris

I am curious as to why a Vet would think your dog needed that blood test at all? Did you have a health concern for Zoe at the time?
I'm also wondering if you've done your own research on the test results ?
I personally would seek out a Holistic Veterinarian who would recommend less invasive treatment( rather than surgeries.
My poor dog has had too much done to him.
Best of luck with your darling Zoe.

Dec 30, 2016
sweet Zoe NEW
by: Jacquie Thompson

Hi I have no answers for your blood results . I just hope the lovely Zoe is ok and gets good results soon xxx shes gorgeous ,big hugs to Zoe

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