My Girls

by Tami Morris
(Mesa, AZ)

I have 2 sisters. They are now 5 years old. They weighed 3 pounds each when I got them! They are now 10 pounds and 13 pounds. Very healthy and happy.

I never expected them to bring so much joy to my life and my elderly Mom.

They are both very timid, not fans of other people or dogs. I have tried to change this with no luck. It is ok, they are so sweet and loyal they will do anything I do! I took up kayaking last year. They have both learned to love it.

They are total comics and both talk up a storm every morning! If you ask them to tell you a story they just talk louder. Brindy, my Lemon colored Coton will actually scream at you if you’re not listening. It always cracks us up!

Gracie, my little silver Coton is soooo timid but has more love to give than 200 humans! She will sit in your lap all day relaxing and getting belly rubs!

I will never be able to express the love these 2 have brought into our lives. They are such a special breed……our lives would not be filled with so much fun everyday without them!

Tami Morris
Very blessed Coton owner

Comments for My Girls

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May 30, 2024
Timid Coton NEW
by: Debi

Our little guy is the sweetest and most affectionate dog we’ve ever had, and he’s a little clown. He loves people, but doesn’t like other dogs, except for a Bichon who lives on the next block. He’s timid about the silliest things — a paper bag, a box that’s on the floor that doesn’t belong there, a pillow blocking his path… and he won’t eat if we’re standing too close to him. We have t walk away. He’s five years old and has brought so much love and laughter into our lives. We love him so much.

May 29, 2024
Coton Girls NEW
by: Gale

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story about Brindy and Gracie! It’s truly heartwarming to hear about the joy and love they bring into your life and your mom’s life.

You’ve created an incredible bond with your Cotons, and it’s okay that they are timid around other people and dogs. Every dog has their own personality and comfort levels, and it’s clear that Brindy and Gracie feel safe and loved with you. The fact that they have learned to enjoy kayaking with you speaks volumes about the trust and connection you share with them.

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