My baby crossed the bridge

by Sharon Saunders

My 10 year old had her teeth cleaned in August 2023. She started biting. Had her whole body and teeth Xrayed. Was told she had arthritis. She had no problems before dental visit. Changed vets. Gave her pain and anxiety meds. Went to groomer of 4 years. Had a seizure. Took to vets. Put on different meds. Had 3 seizures. Went blind and deaf. Hearing and sight came back within couple of weeks but had dementia. Peed all over the everything. Could not pet or hold her. Paced in circles. Finally I had her put down end of March.

I am so grieving her. She was the best dog ever. I don’t understand what went wrong here. I think the first vet that did the dental work dropped her when she was sedated and injured her back. I cannot quit crying. I bought her in MI and I live in CA now. I am not ready for another dog yet but I have checked out different sites and cotons are hard to find. She was half poodle as well so she did not shed. I am so lost without her. I sit by her grave daily and talk to her. I have never cried so much in my life. I so loved my little Jasmine.

Comments for My baby crossed the bridge

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Jun 07, 2024
My baby crossed the bridge NEW
by: Cindy

So sorry for your loss. My coton will be 14 in July. I cry just thinking about losing him.

May 28, 2024
Deepest sympathy for your loss NEW
by: Susan Capuano

Dear Sharon,

I understand the pain of losing a beloved companion. Sweet Little Jasmine was taken far too soon from you. Please allow yourself time to grieve your loss and be extra kind to yourself.

It is possible that mistakes were made by the vet who cleaned Jasmine's teeth. Anesthesia also could have been an issue in triggering seizures.

When I lost my Cotons, Lars and Abby, some things that helped were to make a donation in their name to canine health organizations. I also signed both dogs up for a lifetime listing in Rainbow Bridge. Gradually, the pain of loss has subsided but I still feel that loss. It's not easy.

May 05, 2024
Letting Go is Hard!
by: Caron

I adopted a 7yo retired Coton from a breeder in Phoenix AZ a month ago. I got her with the anticipation that I was going to have put an elderly dog down (he could no longer eat). Bella definitely helped to soften the blow, but not a day goes by that I don’t think of Tucker, my little buddy. I had also lost a toy poodle (Tucker’s side kick) this past December. Although I have come to love Bella, she has the best disposition of any dog I have ever owned, the pain of losing the others never seems to go away.

May 01, 2024
Coton location NEW
by: Gigi

I am so sorry about your sweet baby. I cannot imagine how hard this-something I will face someday.

If you are interested, there is a wonderful breeder in Amador Calif. Her mommas and daddy and all of her puppies are so well loved and socialized. My girl Winnie came from her "Snowy River Cotons" 3/2020 and she is the best girl. When you are ready, tell her "Snowy River’s Winona Elara" momma sent you.

Best wishes and wonderful memories of your sweet Angel.

May 01, 2024
Grieving Jasmine NEW
by: Gale

I'm truly sorry for your loss. It's clear how much love and care you gave to Jasmine during her illness, and I have no doubt that your love and companionship provided immense comfort through her toughest days. Please know that you’re not alone and that it's okay to grieve. Take all the time you need, and I hope that soon your beautiful memories will overshadow the pain and sadness.

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