How often do they need to be walked?

by Alice

I am thinking of getting a Coton de Tulear puppy but I need to know for sure how many times a day do they need to be walked? I don’t want to stress out the poor little guy!

Any suggestions?!?

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Feb 02, 2018
Cotons don’t necessarily need walks NEW
by: Catherine

My boy Atticus is 5...I have arthritis so he doesn’t get walks, just runs in the back yard. He is a great dog in every way.

Nov 21, 2017
They look forward to their walks everyday!
by: Anonymous

I have always walked Maverick (no 6 1/2 yrs old) once a day, for about 30 min. He is a sniffer as well. He lets me know when he is tired or hot by just finding the nearest shady spot and stopping. He wont move until he is ready! In the hotter months, Many times, we get 1/2 way on our walk and he will stop and lay down on the cool shady street. They are such smart dogs. I always walk him in the early morning. He looks so forward to his walk everyday and if I am running a few minutes behind the normal routine, he follows me around and "stays on me" until we go. Once back from walk, he is satisfied and will relax the rest of the day. He loves being out side and will lay out in the hot califonia sun for hours baking there and panting, when we have so many cool shady areas in the yard. funny.

Nov 16, 2017
Puppy walks

My coton is a little boy and as cotons go he is bigger boned. As a pup he loved walks and nw at 4 yrs old does 2 mile walks with me. During warm weather I always carry water and a travel bowl for breaks. He is a toughy.

Nov 13, 2017
Walking your puppy
by: Maria. (London U.K.)

My Bijou is a year old.
I was told by my Dog Trainer that, as these are small dogs their walks need not be long. Initially they should be walked 5 minuets for each month of their age till you reach the right time for your pup. He will ‘tell’ you when it’s enough!!
My Bijou is more of a sniffer on her walks so it’s a slow walk.
I am lucky to live within 3 mins walk from a Common ( Streatham) so take her out to run off leash and socialise with other dogs which is an important factor.
She also has the back garden to run around.
They are super companion dogs.

Nov 12, 2017
Walking your coton
by: Yolanda

My coton is 6 months old and I have to tell that he is pretty active for a small dog. I walk him twice a day and let him run in the backyard to unleash his energy. Especially when the hormones kick in they live to be outside and socialize.
I hope that helps.

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