Your Cotton is doing Great! I got a a few pieces of basic Agility equipment. This video is inspiring me to get it out this Spring and work with my Coton pup!
Apr 04, 2016 Rating
Avana is learning agilityNEW by: Barbara
Wow - incredible, congratulations she is doing fantastc Congratulations!
Mar 31, 2016 Rating
AvanaNEW by: Vicky & Jonah
Good job. She has the pep & energy. Sometimes when their young if u exercise them w/walk etc. Before class they have better concentration. Certainly not to the point of over exercise depending on how long u practice. Your teacher thou could tell u if they feel a small walk might be beneficial.
6 mo old tri. Smart, stubborn, sweet, playful. Runt of litter born . She was 1.5 lbs when I got her at 10 weeks, she is now a thriving 6 pounds and growing