any suggestions where to find a tall coton?

I'd love a coton to join our family, however my son & husband would like something a little bigger ... the tall coton would be ideal ... I know they are very rare, however do you have any suggestions as to where to start looking? (found a breeder but they are in the USA)

would you have any idea how early you could tell if they are going to be tall?

any help would be fantastic

with thanks

Comments for any suggestions where to find a tall coton?

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Sep 10, 2024
Tall Cotons
by: Andrea

We are looking for a tall Coton to adopt. Does anyone know a breeder? Thanks!

Jun 21, 2024
We have Luna
by: Anonymous

6 month old Tall Cotton in South Jersey

Oct 10, 2015
however ..
by: Anonymous

However I will be keeping my eyes open in case I DO happen to see one here! (but shh don't tell my hubby)

Oct 10, 2015
reply to Eileen & Gary
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the message, it's very kind of you to take the time.

However the problem is I am in the UK and I think it wouldn't be fair (and somewhat expensive) to fly a puppy that distance.

In Europe the Cotons are bred to be as white as possible and I haven't heard of a tall coton this side of the Atlantic.

We have in the mean-time adopted a Cavachon (cross between Cavalier & Bichon Frise) which are as close as I can find..(though he's rather short!)

Good luck with your fur-baby..
With Regards

Oct 09, 2015
Tall coton
by: Eileen & Gary

The breeder we got our fur baby. Has had a tall cotton in last two liters. Check with Susan T Lake Superior Coton's. Probably won't have new puppies till next spring, she said she breeds only yearly. Ours was born July 3rd 2015. Delightful personality. Couldn't be happier. And it is our second Coton.

Mar 11, 2015
by: Anonymous

oops double negative "I don't think it would not be fair"

I meant .. I don't think it would be fair - or - it would not be fair.. but you know what I meant..

Mar 11, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hi Michelle

Thank you for your message, however we are in the UK and personally I don't think it would not be fair to transport a puppy (regardless of the cost!)

However since I put up our message we have found a little soul to join our family - a puppy that needed re-homing, not a Coton but a fluffy cross breed.. maybe by time we are ready for a second dog (shh don't tell my husband) there may be some over here.

Hope you are enjoying your dog as much as we are!
With Regards

Mar 11, 2015
Tall Coton
by: Vicky & Jonah

Congratulations..... on the new addition to your family. Can't wait to see pics

Mar 11, 2015
Tall Coton...
by: Michelle

We got our lovable tall Coton from
last June. I don't think that breeders get much better than The Thompson family!!! The welcome each puppy into the world with love and work hard to prepare them for the new family. Our tall is 17-18 lbs and guessing he is approx 21 inches when sitting on hind legs (that is a guess based on crate height).

Hope that you consider talking to Thompsons as I know they will work with you to help you select a tall puppy :)


Feb 12, 2015
quck reply
by: Sue

Thank you for the thought.. did it yesterday so fingers crossed.

Feb 12, 2015
tall Coton
by: Vicky & Jonah

Maybe try contacting the American Coton Club thru Facebook & see if they have any suggestions. Good Luck

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