Suzy, a Big dog in a little dog body.

by Fred Carter
(Birmingham, AL)

In summer, I take Suzy to a small park. I put on a 50 foot leash which gives her the chance to run more or less whet she wants to. She does better than I do!!

I make sure we are near a shaded area to she can lie down and catch her breath. I carry a small water container so she can get some when she wants it. My observation is that Suzy will usually let me know when she wants to lie down and rest for a bit, and when she wants some water.

The Coton is an absolutely wonderful breed!!

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May 31, 2024
We love long lines too!
by: Shelley

We take Radar and Dolly out on their long lines so they can run and wander and sniff at their own pace on a golf course. We are sure to attach their lines to the back of a harness since attaching it to a collar is very dangerous. If the line were to become stuck on something while they are running it would really yank on their little necks.

May 30, 2024
Little Big Dog NEW
by: Gale

Cotons ARE amazing. We’d love to see a photo of Suzy so we can all ooh and ahh. Thanks for sharing!

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