Should I still adopt a puppy if I have to take a weekend trip 2 months later.

by Krystal
(Newark CA)

My Family and I have been thinking about getting a puppy this summer for a while now. I found a breeder who will be having puppies soon. However we have two trips we will be going on this year and I really don't want to do anything that's detrimental to a puppy's development.

Unless I say no and disappoint a really close friend potentially jeopardizing our friendship. I will be attending a wedding in Mexico when the dog is just under four months olds. The breeder I will be getting my dog from has offered to taking on back during that time but I feel really apprehensive about leaving Young puppy, especially during this critical socialization stage. I also have the option to bring the dog because they're staying at a Airbnb in Rosarito that allows pets. I live in Northern California but I still feel like that's going to be a long trip for the dog and not sure if that's a good idea either.

We also planned I'm doing a Disneyland trip around December by then the puppy would be a little older but I still wasn't sure how I felt about that. The breeder would take the puppy or I could get a sitter.
I've Loved any thoughts or advice? I really like this breeder and want a purchase a dog from them but I am wondering maybe I should wait and see if I can find one that will be having puppies after our vacations?

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May 03, 2017
by: Iris

Your intuition sound right. Too much going away will make that puppy have separation anxiety. It's good that you like the breeder, but it's the puppy you're wanting that needs the highest priority, it sounds like you're determined to have a young puppy, rather than leave it with the breeder until you're done traveling and vacationing.
If you are already attached to that one puppy, I would suggest that you leave it with the breeder, not take it home and bring it back. The Coton can live average 13 years or more. Please give a great deal of serious consideration before bringing one home for good. Think about future travels and Holidays you may be away from home and where your Coton will feel comfortable and happy. I would not take the puppy to Mexico.The dog will not be done with all its shots yet.
If you plan to settle down in the near future the breeders will have more puppies.
Best wishes,
Iris and Tuffy

May 03, 2017
Puppy with weekend trips NEW
by: Anonymous

Wait - until you can bound with the puppy. That's the MOST important time in raising your new friend.

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