front feet of Coton

Please see the attached picture of the 8 month old Coton pup that we rescued last week whoes owners could no longet take care off him. Looking at him, our vet said he may've mal-formed front feet, or a mix with basset hound. Do any of your Cotons feet are like this (ballet first position) when they stand/sit? While he walks/runs they don't seem that way. He runs, walks, climbes normmally.


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Jul 15, 2024
Coton NEW
by: Bunnii

My cotons front legs are like this too and hes 100% fine according to the vet so yeah, plus hes 10

Jul 09, 2021
My milo has the same prob NEW
by: Anonymous

Out coton was bought by thinking that he was a lhasa apso he was fine growing up, THen we had a breed test for him and then we found out that he was a coton de tulear ,he also has the same
problem his front legs are small compared to his hind legs and we were worried that he might be having probs with his spine in his old age,As of now he is fine the vet didnt diagnos any problem he was walking fine, some times i feel that he is having problem standing, but he is fine in jumping in higher places.He is ok ,he is 7 months now and he is awesome ...........

Feb 16, 2020
Yes! NEW
by: Anonymous

Our Coton, Charley, has the same leg position! He is totally normal and the vet has never said anything about his legs.

Aug 10, 2017
To Astro's mom NEW
by: Iris

How I got Tuffy and five dogs he was afraid of get along with to respect each other while we were visiting.
My daughter in law has a "pack" of four pugs and one mixed breed sheltie. I brought a bag of irresistable treats ( i now only give my dog fresh cooked chicken as a treat) they all came running when they smelled and heard the word "treat"i gave the command to Tuffy "sit" and they all sat in front of me i said Tuffy, handed tuffy a treat first, and said the names of each one and gave them their treat. Each time i fed my own dog i repeated that routine. They learned quickly to respect me and my dog because that equals yummy treats, maybe that will help your new dog Astro and his older sister develop a closer bond. Good luck and love, from Iris & Tuffy

Aug 10, 2017
Front feet NEW
by: Anonymous

My 4 year old also has feet turned out, my breeder said that is normal

Jul 27, 2017
Crooked front leg and IVDD
by: Anonymous

Our wonderful 4 year old Coton had one front leg deformity. He looked very similar to top picture. Bailey deveoped IVDD and became paralyzed from mid back down. Just wondering if the leg deformity put too much strain on his back as he compensated to walk/run normally.

Jul 25, 2017
front feet- another vet consult
by: Anonymous

Than you all for your comments, I did take him to another vet for second opinion & yes, I was told he does have angular limb deformity which is more commonly seen In some breeds due to a recessive malformed gene being transferred. This deformity may or may not cause any health/medical issues in the dogs entire life, however in some dogs it causes arthritis & pain related to that.
As far as why so many Cotons for rescue, I feel they are very sweet, cuddly dogs, hence many families especially kids fall for them, without realizing the amount of efforts required to train the dog e.g. potty training, barking etc.
Just my 2 cents, our 'Astro' is getting adjusted to him new house, he is very loving dog, however, still trying to adjust with his older dog sister.

Jul 24, 2017
by: Anonymous

Yes our sweet boys feet turn out! I think this makes them even sweeter!!!

Jul 23, 2017
Front feet
by: Anonymous

Both feet turn out but one leg was diagnosed as premature closure of growth plates. BUT sure looks like the above pup.

Jul 22, 2017
front feet turning in or out
by: alfie

my coton is a white male, three and a half year old,his left foot turns out some. but my main question is so many coton end up being recuse dogs why ?? they are such companions to their owners, they love you with all their hearts, they let you know when some thing is,nt right ,they bark,ok.they are easliy trainable ,he will be with us till he dies.his owner rar.7-22-17. lansing,michigan.

Jul 22, 2017
Outward feet
by: Linda

My little Lucy's front feet turn out. I believe that it is a common trait among cottons.

Jul 22, 2017
I Wouldn't Worry
by: Barbara Cerra

Your 8-month-old coton is lovely with his cute puppy cut. Our puppy Tulia is now 9 months old and I too have noticed her right foot turns out a bit. Perhaps not as much as your pup's, but somewhat similar. Tulia was bred in the UK, so I would think it's just typical of the breed. Tulia is very athletic, an amazingly fast runner and jumps up and down the couch (ugh) without any problem. Good luck, you are very lucky to have found such a wonderful rescue.

Jul 15, 2017
PS front feet Coton
by: Iris

That Coton will give you the sweetest love and fun companionship you will ever experience, they are so intuitive and affectionate. Just love him and I would find a different Vet(my intuition tells me that is not the right one for you )and your Coton. Check around the area where you live and find other Coton owners.and Veternarians who are very familiar with this special breed, the Coton is a speciL species and not very common. My dog Tuffy is also very sensitive to drugs. I tried three different Vets, they were really not familiar with a Coton and finally inmet a couple of other Coton owners who guided me to the best Vet for Tuffy😁

Jul 15, 2017
Follow up feet questions
by: Iris

I dont see your name( Anonymous)
I had Tuffy checked by the Vet regularly, there was never any issues with his feet. He does have a left side trick knee but the vet said it in definitely NOT a luxating patella, he said Tuffy has flexible joints, like a person you would say is " double jointed"' sometime his knee would pop out when he jumped, but it went ackninto place.
Tuffys serious health issues were Lyme disease in his spine too painful to walk, it was from a tick bite in Connecticut and he was on antibiotics for a month. The he developed reoccurring calcium oxylate bladder stones. He has had four surgeries in three years for the stones. I did not have pet insurance. If i did it only would have paid the first operation, not any reoccuring ones.Tuffy is family, inlove him a d i would go hungry to feed him and care for him. He loves life🐶🤗❤️

Jul 15, 2017
Follow up question
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your input, yes, can see him on the page above, he's so cute. Just curious, did he ever have any medical issues because of his feet or the way he stands? Our vet said, this may cause pain in his feet and may require surgical/orthopedic treatment.


Jul 15, 2017
Ballerina feet
by: Iris Miller

Yes, my dog Tuffy has adorable ballerina feet . Everyone notices how cute he stands with his front paws in second position, plia'. He is from a breeder in Felton, CA in the Santa Cruz mtns.
Born Dec.26, 2007.

Besides being so cute Tuffy is very smart and definitely has a sense of humor.

Best of luck and love with your rescued Coton, and thank you for saving his worthy life. May you have many blessings.
Love Iris &Tuffy😍🐶

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