Does anyone else's Coton have mitral valve regurgitation?

by Phyllis

My darling Coton, Charlie, 9 years old has been diagnosed with advanced heart disease, specifically mitral valve regurgitation. I have an appointment for him next week at Tufts to see if he is a candidate for their TEER procedure which would be minimally invasive surgery to put a clip on his mitral valve.
Has anyone had a similar problem with their Coton?

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May 29, 2024
Sending good recovery wishes for Charlie NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Phyllis
Saying a prayer for Charlie and for you - that Charlie might have positive news at the vet's and might make a good recovery,
With good wishes from Georgina and Pinkerton, 10 from London, UK

May 28, 2024
Get well, Charlie NEW
by: Gale

Sending hugs and prayers that Charlie gets the help he needs and has a full recovery.

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