My Spanky (now 3 months) barks at his brush. Although he does let me brush him, he likes to bark at it. LOL
Mar 27, 2011 Rating
Coton brushing by: Gale
Every Coton de Tulear is different and how often you brush your dog depends on the length of the coat, the age of your dog, and how active he is.
But in general, once a week should be sufficient for most Cotons. If your dog has a longer coat that is prone to matting you should probably brush daily or every other day.
It's also a good idea to start early and get your dog used to brushing at a very early age. If you wait too long and only brush him when there's a mat, your dog will quickly learn that brushing is not a pleasant experience. So do it to keep the coat looking fabulous, but also to have a wonderful bonding experience. My Luc just loves to be brushed - when I get the brush he almost gets as excited as when I get the leash to go for a walk :)
I use a slicker brush and just a regular metal comb and Luc and I are both happy with the results.
This is Teddy our lovely 2 year old boy we were very fortunate to get from a local rescue centre. I had been grieving our 16 year old Bichon and thought