Coton de Tulear shedding

by Maria

I visited the most famous Coton de Tulear breeders in Brazil and they showed me two Cotons (a male and a female). They are really beautiful, but they were shedding a lot!!! I thought it's really unusual, according to Coton standards.

Have you guys ever experienced this kind of shedding with your Cotons? I'm really worried to buy a Coton puppy because of shedding. Thank you!

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Jul 30, 2012
Congradulations on Tica
by: Vicky & Jonah (Az)

How wonderful the 1st day with ur new Coton. I am so excited for u & ur new puppy. How much fun u will have today w/ur new experience. Make Your Day Great.

Jul 30, 2012
I have just adopted a Coton - her name is Tica!!!
by: Maria Cecilia

Thank you all guys for your tips and recommendations!! Heloisa, a special thanks for your breeder's suggestion!!I went there and bought a beautiful Coton. Her name is Tica. It's her first day at home!!
I'll post some Tica's photos later.

Jul 03, 2012
Coton de Tulear in Brazil
by: Maria

You are great! !!! Your support was incredible!!!
Thank you , Heloisa for your breeder's recommedation. I hope to give you great news about my future coton puppie

Jul 03, 2012
Cotons Losing hair
by: Iris Miller

Cotons have hair like humans, they do fall out, but if we comb and brush them frequently it is minimal They don't have fur or dander so it help a lot that they are hypo allergenic, and easier to live with in the house.I noticed my dog Tuffy sleeps at the foot of the bed directly under the heater vent, so I think his hair also got very dry and fell out, especially when I had my surgery and could not groom him. He has his summer cut now so it is much easier to comb and brush and no shedding.

Jul 03, 2012
Allevamento di Bensdorp
by: Vicky & Jonah (Az)

I looked this breeder up on the web & they have some beautiful stock. How funny that their 2nd breed is the Corso. At least u would know if the stock got mixed. LOL

Jul 03, 2012
by: Vicky & Jonah (Az)

If u can how about posting pictures of ur Cotons from Brazil. It is so nice that from around the world we are all so much the same with the luv from our Cotons. Happy 4th of July if u celebrate.

Jul 03, 2012
Coton breeder in Brazil
by: Heloisa

Maria, if you contact Allevamento di Bensdorp, tell the owner, Ciara, that I'm the one who told you about them (HeloĆ­sa, owner of Weezer and Pixie). I'm sure you'll like her and her Coton pack.

Wish you luck!

Jul 03, 2012
Heloisa - Cotton Friend in Brazil
by: Anonymous

Hi, Heloisa!!!!
Thank you for answering. I'll try your option of breeder in Brazil!!!! Wish me luck!!! Best Regards!!!!

Jul 03, 2012
Puppy Coats
by: Vicky & Jonah (Az)

I concur w/the below bloggers as to ur breeder sounds fine. Jonah at 5 when I brush him I do get loose hairs in my brush from the mats yet do not have it blowing around my house as a dog that sheds.

Also if I pick him up w/a black shirt on I will get loose white hairs on it but nothing like picking up a long hair chiwawa at the dog park (terrible) .

Also as a puppy it was a little more of a loose hair just from them blowing the puppy coat into adult. Also the puppy coat will drive u crazy by matting but once the adult comes in, it gets so much easier if u like to keep it long. Jonah's adult coat came in around 13 mos.

But do believe that u must brush daily. But by brushing daily 5-10 mins a day it makes life so much easier. Let us know what u decide.

Jul 03, 2012
Cotton shedding
by: Anonymous

Thank you guys for your advice. I answered the breeder about this and she said it was because the dogs wasn't bathed this week....

Jul 03, 2012
coton shedding

I agree about looking for another breeder. My little girl is almost two and never leaves hair around the house. When brushed there is always some that comes out but not shedding like other dogs normally will do. -- puppy coat when growing out can make alot of extra hair.

cotons are wonderful companions and if you have the time to spend with them, lots of love, attention and grooming, they are the very best.

Good luck in your search.

Jul 02, 2012
You may have mistaken puppy coat shed
by: DeMarie Rossi

There is a great explanation for what you saw on just cut and paste this link Since they probably had quite a few little gals and guys hanging around you may have seen fluff balls from puppy shed - you won't have this problem when you have only one - you will see some "fluff" once in awhile, but that is it.

Jul 02, 2012
by: Heloisa

Hey Maria, it's really nice to find another brazilian around here. I have two Cotons from Allevamento di Bensdorp, one male adult and one female puppy, and they hardly ever shed, even in summer.
Where are you intending to buy your Coton from?

Jul 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

Our Coton has never shed. During grooming the comb or brush will have some hair in it, but not much. Not sure what was going on with the ones you saw.

Jul 02, 2012
Love my non-shedding Coton!
by: Anonymous

I recommend you avoid that breeder. It is not normal for a Coton to shed. I have had my adorable Coton for 3.5 years and she has never shed. She loves to be combed and her hair rarely tangles or mats.

Jul 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

We have a coton and they do not shed. They will lose "hair" when combed as does a human. I have never found a loose hair around the house.

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